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Order THE VISION by Debi Pearl from BarnesandNoble.com on November 3rd or 4th, 2009 (offer good on these days only) and you will receive coupon codes from the following companies offering 25% discounts from their webstores. Discounts cannot be combined with other discounts.

1. http://www.ancienthealingoils.com/
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4. http://www.morethanalive.com/
5. http://www.nogreaterjoy.org/
6. http://www.themissionball.org/

You will also receive free downloadable ebooks and bonus gifts from Gary D. Foster and others at http://www.garydfoster.com/

Here's How To Order:
On November 3rd or 4th...
1. Visit http://www.debipearl.com/pages/buy
2. Click the Barnes & Noble link to place your order.
3. Email your receipt immediately to Mel Cohen to receive your coupon codes.
Coupon codes expire on 11/9/09.

THE VISION is a book about a group of people that come together in hopes of publishing the gospel message in every language. Asher is driven to see the message published – a message his mentor died trying to share. Hope also has a dream to see these things through and works with her daughter Cheyenne to finance the work by developing a herbal berry brew. Local White Supremacists attempt to seize the brew for their own purposes. Muslim Terrorists work to prevent translation of the work into Arabic. All of this takes place in the face of government upheaval and a threatening world-wide natural disaster.

While outside forces press inward, this small group finds themselves stretched to the limit by conflicting personalities and struggles from within.

Each character examines the price they may pay to see THE VISION become a reality.

Debi Pearl is an accomplished writer and no stranger to controversy. With husband, Michael Pearl she co-authored TO TRAIN UP A CHILD. More recently, she caused an outcry among feminists of all stripes with CREATED TO BE HIS HELP MEET a work which presents a Biblically based view of women in God’s created order.

It is with this background that she has taken on the task of publishing her latest book, a work of dramatic fiction, THE VISION. She draws heavily upon the things most familiar to her – herbs, rural living and missions – to provide her readers with an exciting tale of intrigue and romance. Those familiar with the Pearls and their ministry, No Greater Joy will note the obvious parallels as the characters try to publish and distribute a chronological Bible comic book (similar to Michael Pearl’s GOOD AND EVIL, now in color and slated for world-wide distribution in 100 languages). In the process, they face peril on many levels. Throughout THE VISION readers are given references for more reading on various topics that give the plot a very realistic feel.

“THE VISION is a touching love story, a dramatic race against evil, and an emphatic reminder of the power of God that will take you on a ride so real you will find it difficult to separate fact from fiction.”

Purchase your copy of THE VISION by Debi Pearl on November 3rd or 4th from Barnes & Noble. Email your dated receipt to Mel Cohen in order to receive your coupon codes for 25% off your purchases. Offer expires 11/09/09.



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