Friday, March 14, 2025


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Debi Pearl’s latest work is a children’s book entitled, LISTEN TO MY DREAM – a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Debi and her husband, Michael Pearl, worked together on the colorful illustrations which are accompanied by Debi’s lyrical prose. Children will love to hear the book read aloud. At the end of the book is a section that gives a summary the events surrounding the Civil Rights movement and Dr. King’s leadership role.

Debi Pearl lived in the Memphis area of Tennessee during the 1960’s. She experienced how the Jim Crow laws determined how people could interact. She witnessed the arguments, heard the speeches and saw the upheaval and turmoil that struck when Dr. King was murdered. She was there when the ‘Whites Only’ signs were finally taken down. Debi Pearl knew too well what life was like before Dr. King came on the scene.

Later she would tell these things to her children who wanted to know more about Dr. King. Her children hadn’t ever known what it meant to be forbidden to show kindness to someone of another race. Her children hadn’t known the reality of racial hatred. At the local library, they found only one child’s book that spoke of this man that altered history. It to fill this gap that Debi sat down and wrote LISTEN TO MY DREAM for her little ones more than 20 years ago. There was an earlier, unsuccessful attempt to publish the book, but it was soon left languishing in her office until another child found the book and began to ask about this man. The memories returned and Debi decided that it was time to pursue publishing so that another generation of children could hear about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

However, Dr. King was more than a man that changed society. He was a father, a husband, a preacher and a man. Michael, Debi’s husband, is also a preacher. I asked her, “How will you answer those that claim Dr. King taught things that are against your beliefs? How do you pay tribute to a person that wrote and preached against things your husband explains are foundational truth?"

Debi responded simply, ‘My issue is that things changed because he spoke out. This man wasn’t perfect. He was used by God to change history. He made a difference. Children need to know what a difference one man can make.’

. . . Which is a worthy reminder for adults and children, alike

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