Monday, March 17, 2025


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Are you tired of hearing empty assurances or hollow comforts? Did you ever want someone to deal honestly with the questions that bother you instead of just dismissing them? What does the Bible REALLY say? How can you KNOW for yourself?

If you relate to these statements, then Bible Questions with Michael Pearl is an online video series you will greatly enjoy. Click on the link to subscribe to the YouTube channel or follow this blog for regular updates. Watch as questions from the online community are answered. Submit your questions by email at or leave a brief and to the point Bible question at 931-805-4820.

The Newest Bible Question video has just been released with Mike's response to the following question:
I know what Scripture says about Jesus. I believe he bore my sins, died and rose again. Sometimes I feel very secure in my salvation, but other times I am quaking in fear of eternity because I'm not sure I'm saved. What gives?


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